Vivint Solar announced the installation of more than 2,700 rooftop solar panels at Vivint Smart Home Arena, which is the home of the Utah Ja...
Vasari Energy Inc., a Calif.-based solar energy provider, signed a contract to purchase 450 acres of land in Maricopa County, Ariz., for the...
Schneider Electric signed three energy savings improvement programs (ESIPs) with New Jersey school districts that will drive more than ...
Mt. Tom Solar to be one of the largest in Massachusetts Mt. Tom Solar, LLC, a subsidiary of ENGIE North America, held a groundbreaking cerem...
Follow Farmers is the story of how Farmers Electric Cooperative in the small Iowa town of Kalona installed nearly 2 MW of solar. The entire ...
Target has grabbed the top spot among American businesses that are going solar. The Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) revealed Targ...
New England Apple Installs 300-kW Solar System via Solect Energy New England Apple Products, the largest cider mill in New England and an in...