GRID Alternatives and their community partner Elevate are hosting the RE+ Midwest Clean Energy Job Fair in Chicago, Illinois, on Thursday, N...
GRID Alternatives is building one of the nation’s most competitive clean energy workforce programs. Last week, its Installations Basic...
Trainees learn residential solar installation skills on a GRID Alternatives residential solar project. The solar industry was supercharged b...
A California-based non-profit organization dedicated to bringing clean energy to communities has secured financing to deploy affordable ener...
Bank of America renewed its partnership with GRID Alternatives, a nonprofit solar + storage installer in the U.S., with a $300,000 investmen...
Diversifying the solar workforce with highly qualified employees is critical to the continued growth and success of the renewable energy sec...
Santa Catarina, Baja California, Mexico | 5.7 kW Our Projects of the Year typically highlight an innovation, economic impact or construction...
Here are your Community Solar and Residential nominees for the 2021 Solar Builder Project of the Year Awards, sponsored by Fo...
Johnson Controls, GRID Alternatives Colorado and Capital Dynamics will finance, operate and maintain a 2-MW community solar garden for the H...
SMA America is now a national equipment supplier for GRID Alternatives, the nation’s largest nonprofit solar installer. The partnershi...
A $300,000 grant from Bank of America is helping to fund the GRID Alternatives SolarCorps Fellowship Program, which has up to 40 SolarCorps ...
Everyone in solar and storage is making their pitch to California homeowners to get ahead of wildfire season, and this deal from Sunrun and ...
The City and County of Denver will host up to 15 megawatts of community solar gardens on municipal rooftops, over parking lots, and vacant l...
The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) voted yesterday to approve program implementation for the Disadvantaged Communities &ndash...
The California Department of Community Services and Development (CSD) announced final awards totaling $4.4 million to GRID Alternatives for ...
In partnership with the District Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE), the DC Sustainable Energy Utility (DCSEU) announced plans to w...
GRID Alternatives was selected by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to administer the Disadvantaged Communities – Sing...
Wells Fargo is committing $5 million over three years to support solar projects in tribal communities across the U.S. The donation to nonpro...
New Belgium Brewing is donating $100,000 to GRID Alternatives to support its mission to make solar technology accessible to low-income commu...
GRID Alternatives, a national leader in making clean, affordable solar power and solar jobs accessible to low-income communities and communi...