Fluke debuts 1500 Volt CAT III safety rated Clamp Meter designed for solar pros

Fluke Clamp Meter

Large-scale solar PV systems are routinely designed at 1,500 volts these days, making safety an even bigger priority. Fluke Corp. introduced the Fluke 393 FC CAT III 1500 V True-rms Clamp Meter, the world’s only 1500 V CAT III, IP54 rated, thin jaw clamp meter. It was also specifically designed to address the challenges solar technicians deal with every day.

With its CAT III 1500 V / CAT IV 600 V safety rating, the 393 FC provides top of the line safety for work in dc environments up to 1500 volts. The thin jaw allows it to be used in combiner boxes, inverters, and tight spaces making it ideal for solar energy applications.

The meter measures up to 1500 Vdc, 1000 Vac, and up to 999.9 A dc or ac through the clamp jaw. The included iFlex flexible current probe extends ac current measurements up to 2500 amps. When measuring ac current, the iFlex probe can be twisted through extremely small spaces giving technicians access to cables that would otherwise be difficult or impossible to clamp a probe around.

The Fluke 393 FC features:

  • IP54 rating for dust and water making it ideal for work outdoors on solar arrays and wind power systems.
  • DC power measurement, showing readings in kVA.
  • Audio and Visual Polarity to ensure photovoltaic panels are properly installed with the help of an audio beep and a light to indicate correct polarity.
  • Visual Continuity that provides a bright green indicator light in the display for working in dark and noisy environments.
  • Logging, sharing and reporting of test results via Fluke Connect software.

The 393 FC is the latest addition to the Fluke portfolio of test tools designed for the solar energy industry. Fluke tools operate reliably in the extreme environments — dusty, wet, cold and hot — that solar professionals work in, and are tested to survive drops that can occur in field work. Fluke tools are designed to keep workers safe in potentially dangerous electrical environments, meeting or exceeding all recommended safety standards.

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