NEM 3.0 proposal could cut California solar installations by 95 percent

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SolarReviews, a consumer review and rating website for solar installations, released survey results of more than 4,000 people located in California who are currently considering solar. The results showed that the proposed changes to net metering by the California Public Utility Commission will reduce the number of new solar installations in California by 95%.

On January 5, 2021, SolarReviews sent a survey to California homeowners who requested solar quotes through the SolarReviews website in the last two years:

  • 4,848 homeowners located in California responded to the survey.
  • 68% of respondents would no longer consider going solar if California passed the proposal to pay net metering customers at the avoided cost rate.
  • 95% of respondents would no longer consider solar if California changed to an avoided cost rate plan AND implemented the monthly grid participation charge.

The full results of the survey can be viewed here.

“Arbitrary guesses in the CPUC decision about the effects of their proposed changes for solar systems are wrong. The survey data is real and current, and accurately reflects the impacts this decision will have on demand for home solar systems,” said Andy Sendy, President and Founder of “95% of the respondents to our survey said they would no longer consider solar if there was an $8 per-kW per month fee levied on them in addition to net metering changes. It is incomprehensible to think that people will spend up to $20,000 of their own hard-earned money to buy something that will not only have a much longer payback period but will also expose them to a new monthly tax.”


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