HMC solar pile driver now features remote control option

HMC solar pile driver

Hercules Machinery Corporation (HMC), launched the new STR20-RC this week, a remote-controlled piling machine designed specifically for solar farm construction. The STR20-RC combines robust construction with cutting-edge technology, making it the most efficient and reliable piling machine on the market today. The STR20-RC can drive piles up to 24’ (with 5’ extension) for solar panel installations.

“With its remote-controlled capabilities, this machine not only increases safety on the job site but also significantly enhances productivity,” stated Tom Dame, President of Hercules Machinery Corporation. “We believe the STR20-RC will set a new standard in the construction of solar farms, aligning with global sustainability goals.”

The STR20-RC is equipped with a user-friendly interface and can be operated remotely, allowing for better maneuverability and precision in challenging environments. Its introduction into the market comes at a critical time when the demand for renewable energy solutions is at an all-time high. Learn more about this innovative machine on the HMC website here: STR20-RC solar farm pile driving machine.

Solar pile driving basics

The brute force of a hammer might not be the one-size-fits-all tool required for the various terrains found on the solar jobsite. Plus, the beams typically being driven into the ground for a solar job are more fragile than beams in more typical pile-driving applications.

“Location and the plumbness of the materials are more important than in conventional pile driving,” Dame told us in this Solar Builder feature.

There’s also the wide variety of soil conditions that may require different approaches. The impact hammer is the most widely used application for this type of job, but an impact hammer isn’t ideal in all conditions. A good geotechnical report will indicate what tool is needed, but, maybe because of the quick turnaround world we live in today, Dame says a lot of the solar jobs he sees do not have geotechnical reports.

Controls such as auto-level and auto-plumb that will vastly improve your speed, efficiency and accuracy. Example: Both Hercules’ STR20 and Vermeer’s PD10 have auto-plumb control, which automatically orients the mast of the machine perpendicular to the ground. The auto-plumb also has a laser receiver option, which allows the pile-driving process to stop — without operator involvement — once the pile driver reaches the set point.


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