Energea Global launches Solar in the USA investment portfolio

investment and stocks

Renewable energy investment manager Energea Global LLC has created a retail investment portfolio for shareholders to invest in solar projects located in the United States. Through this portfolio, “Solar in the U.S.A.,” investors will be able to acquire equity in two domestic solar projects, a 300-kW power plant at West Elementary School in New Canaan, Conn., and a 540-kW plant on an industrial roof in Waltham, Mass. They are now available on its online investment platform. 

Power generated at the elementary school is contractually sold to the town of New Canaan while Eversource Energy has signed a long-term purchase agreement to acquire the power generated by the Waltham project. The New Canaan project is currently operational while the Waltham project will begin construction in August, said Mike Silvestrini, Energea’s managing partner.

Additional renewable energy projects throughout the Northeast and Virginia are currently in the pipeline and will be folded into the portfolio as additional investors come forward, according to the company.

“This new portfolio is one of the only investment vehicles that offers investors concerned about global warming the opportunity to invest in and collectively own carbon-free energy generation projects that are located in the United States,” Silvestrini said.

Energea is a renewable energy developer and portfolio manager that connects investors to premium projects in select global markets. The company manages capital from individual, corporate and institutional investors, and currently manages more than $100 million in renewable energy projects which generate more than 70 megawatts of carbon-free energy across three continents. Over the past 15 years, the company’s experienced leadership team has managed an array of solar energy projects worth more than $1 billion.

The Solar in the U.S.A. portfolio complements Energea’s ultra-high-yielding (with an estimated yield of 16.5 percent) Brazilian portfolio and is available to any U.S. investor 18-years-of-age or older. The minimum investment is $100 and can be directly initiated at the company’s website.

“We are hoping the investment community embraces this new product as a win-win – a high-quality, high-yield investment that not only offers a much higher ROI than your typical 401-K or IRA, but also helps reduce our carbon footprint and reverse climate change,” Silvestrini says.

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