Check out this 541-kW solar canopy project at Salisbury University

Standard Solar sent word of a completed solar installation at Salisbury University. Standard Solar constructed and will operate, own and maintain the 541.8-kW solar system featuring four solar canopies and five electric vehicle (EV) charging stations. The canopies will cover a parking lot to provide shade for the University’s Parking Lot H, as well power to the adjacent educational buildings.

Standard solar parking canopy

Completed in fewer than three months, the 541.8 kW DC system is comprised of 1,548 modules that will produce 765,100 kilowatt hours of electricity annually and provide electricity to three campus buildings. The system is expected to provide the equivalent of 100 percent of the electricity needed to power the combined annual operation of three SU residence halls: Manokin, Pocomoke and Wicomico.

The system features Quest Renewables QuadPod double cantilever which enabled the rapid project installation timeline. With three foundations per 100kW, the QuadPod double cantilever can be applied to any parking lot configuration irrespective of parking spot width or drive aisle dimensions. 90% of QuadPod’s construction takes place on the ground, inclusive of module and inverter wiring. After ground assembly which includes nearly all electrical and lighting, the canopies are then lifted by crane for final installation, minimizing overhead work and optimizing worksite safety.

Standard solar university parking canopy

The system also features five EV charging stations, more than tripling the number on campus.

“Standard Solar’s extensive experience was evident in how efficiently the project was completed. We look forward to realizing the full environmental, educational and sustainability value that the project will deliver,” explained Wayne Shelton, SU director of campus sustainability and environmental safety.

Standard Solar will own, operate and maintain the system for 20 years, after which ownership will revert to SU.

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