Webinar: Modeling a solar + storage microgrid for eight Alaskan villages

Transformative Power of Microgrids

Moving from standalone PV projects to PV + energy storage projects to modeling a solar + storage microgrid project is complex work. Few are better at doing that complex work than Mayfield Renewables – which is why we’re excited about the debut episode of Dispatches from the Energy Transition, a webinar series from Mayfield Renewables and clean energy agency Outfit, that will show how to do that work.

Each episode of Dispatches from the Energy Transition will zoom in on the real-world application of emerging technologies and the projects they impact – in a level of detail only Mayfield can provide. The first webinar, The Transformative Power of Microgrids, is set for June 20 at Noon PST. Register here.

Transformative Power of Microgrids

To demonstrate how to model a solar + storage microgrid, this webinar features a resilience project for the Tanana Chiefs Conference (TCC). This tribal consortium in Interior Alaska received a $26 million grant from the U.S.D.O.E Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations Energy for Rural and Remote Areas (ERA) to bring solar PV and energy storage to eight remote Alaskan villages.

These monies were attained through a microgrid feasibility study performed by Mayfield using Xendee’s DESIGN microgrid modeling software. Mayfield offers consulting engineering services including microgrid feasibility studies, working with industry leading project developers and municipalities across the country. DESIGN streamlines Distributed Energy Resources (DER) modeling process while creating detailed financial and technical reports.

“Thank you so much to the team at Mayfield for the preliminary engineering and feasibility work that enabled this grant opportunity to become a reality.” says Edward D., Rural Energy Specialist of Tanana Chiefs Conference.

This project will see PV arrays and battery storage systems integrated into existing microgrids in Nulato, Huslia, Minto, Kaltag, Grayling, Anvik, Shageluk, and Holy Cross. These communities, now 100% reliant on expensive air-lifted diesel fuel, will see a 40% reduction in diesel consumption, leading to lower energy costs and cleaner air.

The Transformative Power of Microgrids will detail the feasibility study process, demonstrate the importance of simplifying complexity when modeling a solar + storage microgrid, and show the impact of locally produced clean energy for the Tanana Chiefs Conference.

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