Hollaender’s Speed-Rail brand solar pipe rack fittings are now UL 2703 approved

hollaender roof racking

Hollaender Manufacturing, manufacturer of Speed-Rail brand solar pipe rack fittings, has received UL 2703 Recognized Component Approval under Intertek ETL mark No. 5006508. UL 2703 is solar industry standard covering rack mounting systems, mounting grounding/bonding components, and clamping/retention devices for specific flat-plate photovoltaic modules and panels that comply with the Standard for Flat-Plate Photovoltaic Modules and Panels.

The testing conducted by Intertek has shown that specific Speed-Rail fittings form a safe and reliable bond with assured electrical continuity. A proprietary set screw developed by Hollaender that is used to secure the fitting to the pipe, penetrates the surface of the pipe. When properly installed, the set screws are electrically bonded to the pipe and bracing, thereby fulfilling the grounding and bonding requirements of UL 2703. Testing was done with both galvanized steel and aluminum pipe.

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Because Speed-Rail solar pipe rack fittings are UL 2703 approved, installers in many cases and depending on the judgement of the local AHJ, will no longer need to add additional bonding components or bonding devices to meet the requirements of electrical inspectors. This reduces installation time and costs.

Hollaender’s Speed-Rail slip-on pipe fittings are used with aluminum or galvanized steel, to easily and cost-effectively build solar panel racking systems. They are strong and lightweight, and come in a wide variety of fixed and adjustable configurations, including the tees and flanges most commonly used in solar panel installations. All Speed-Rail fittings are made of 535.0 aluminum-magnesium and are the most corrosion resistant fittings on the market. They are backed by a 10-year warranty against corrosion, will not rust, and can be used with galvanized steel or other metals without concern for galvanic corrosion.

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