CivicSolar, Sunpreme partner to offer Bi-facial PV modules

CivicSolar and Sunpreme Inc. have entered into a strategic partnership to offer Sunpreme’s Bi-facial Solar PV modules, a technically innovative product, to its 3,500 active customers nationwide.

Sunpreme modulesWith offices in San Francisco and Boston, CivicSolar’s model offers a combination of solar industry experience and technical expertise.

“Unlike traditional solar distributors, our streamlined technology platform allows us to offer individual attention and faster response times to our customer needs,” said Stuart Rentz, CEO at CivicSolar. “By partnering with Sunpreme, we are able to offer a truly technically advanced, proven product reliability and a high performance Bi-facial Solar PV module which will assist our customers in meeting their business requirements. Sunpreme has demonstrated strong technical collaboration and professional customer support.”

Sunpreme is a global solar photovoltaic company that designs, develops and manufactures its proprietary modules based on its Hybrid Cell Technology (HCT) platform. Its high performance solar cells are flashing above 22% STC efficiency, enabling 300W+ 60-cell and 370W+ 72-cell solar panels, allowing installers to maximize the power output. These modules are double-glass, frameless, easy to install, and are UL and IEC certified – greatly exceeding by 3x the IEC requirements.

“We are gratified to have a strategic partnership with CivicSolar in providing customers affordable premium solutions for the rapidly growing global Distributed Generation (DG) market,” said Ashok Sinha, Chairman and CEO of Sunpreme. “At an effective module efficiency of up to 22% our differentiated Bi-facial double-glass PV modules have provided unclipped energy boost of 10 – 30%, worldwide, depending upon the system configuration and albedo optimization.”

The company’s symmetric Bi-facial cells are manufactured using thin amorphous films for both p-i and i-n junctions sandwiching a 156 mm n-Si wafer, a 3rd generation embodiment of its HCT platform.

Sunpreme Bi-facial solar panels absorb light from both sides, increasing energy yield (kWh per kWp) up to 20% – helping clients maximize project financial returns.

With over 40 MW of solar panel sales in 2014, CivicSolar has the mission to accelerate the adoption of solar power by being the most efficient and responsive distributor in the industry. With offices in San Francisco and Boston, CivicSolar accomplishes this mission by providing on-time, complete and accurate delivery from its national network of warehouses.

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